The Latest Update to Files By Google app will enable Android users to thoroughly clean up junk on their phones and tablets. An update to the app is adding a number of new search chip filters. These will help you quickly and easily find items that can be deleted to free up cloud storage space.
At the moment Files by Google app manages all the files, apps, and other items on your Android device. And can often provide a confusing experience. Due to this users are not able to properly clean their phones and use the apps max benefit.
Latest Update to Files By Google app will let you clear a lot more space
Google recently introduced chip search filters to a number of its Google Workspace software tools. Including Gmail and Google Drive, giving users a faster way to find the exact file they are hunting for.
The new update to Files by Google will bring search chips to the equation. Search chips essentially look to display possible results as a user is typing in the search bar, offering autofill suggestions and other possibilities for what it thinks they could be looking for.
While going through the app users will also see new filters when accessing the “Browse” menu in Files by Google. For example, selecting Apps within this menu will now offer the chance to filter out into certain groups.
Currently “large apps”, “unused apps” and “Games” – with each list also displaying extra information such as the size of the app and when it was last updated.
After you get the update the app will allow multiple filters to be active at the same time. This way you could, for example, quickly spot which games you’ve installed but have never actually played.