The Telegram app has been a hit since the Whatsapp security T&C update introduced at the start of 2021. A lot of people have been migrating to other messaging and Telegram has been one of them. So there is a possibility that you might not be fully aware of Telegram’s hidden and unique features.
Whether you’re new to Telegram or have been using it for a while, it’s worth knowing that it has plenty of cool features. that other chat apps might not offer. One of the features that caught the eye is the ability to schedule a message to be delivered at some point in the future. Here’s how you can use it:
- Open the Telegram app on your phone.
- Head to the conversation where you want to send a scheduled message.
- Type in your message, and long-press the send button.
- Select the “Schedule Message” option, and select the date and time.
Once you schedule a message, you’ll see a clock icon in your chatbox. If you tap on that, you’ll be able to see all your scheduled messages and edit, reschedule, or delete them if needed.
This is useful if you remember something late at night. Like asking a friend to bring a deck of cards for your party. But don’t want to disturb them at that time. You can schedule a message so you won’t need to recall this the next morning.
That’s not all. You can set reminders for yourself too. Head to Settings > Saved messages, type in your message, and long-press the send button. You’ll see the “set a reminder” option. You have to follow the same procedure as above to schedule a massage for yourself. This is useful for when you want to check out a link later.
Let us know if you were able to use this feature in your conversations by leaving a comment below.