New technology opens up new horizons of advancements in technology like this Optical Illusion Using an iPhone X. When we buy a new phone we don’t necessarily use it or are unable to use it to its full potential. Like many of its built-in sensors.
Designer Peder Norrby who creates visuals with code has recently uploaded a video of an optical illusion he developed using an iPhone X and AR Kit Face Tracking technology. Norrby explains the function behind the illusion saying “AR kit’s face tracking.
It performs head tracking in 3D, to find out the position of the eye, and render a view from there.
Basically here you can see the eye-tracking that the AR kit does. Then it positions a camera at that eye — the other eye should be closed, for best viewing — and I use an off-axis projection to get a correct render of that view, so it looks actually like objects are coming out of the screen, or going into the screen.
Norrby tweeted along with the video. The artist also clarified that he did not use any post-processing video effects; the illusion is created entirely by an app he made. Norrby later explained how his app, “The Parallax View,” works in another video on Twitter.